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6/20/22 The last night of the Spring season came to a close as two league championhsips were decided. We had great weather a big crowd and two exciting games to watch. The Giants ended their season with the Major League Championship as they defeated the Whitesox 6-2. Ty Bryant did it at the plate with three hits and had 10 strikeouts on the hill. In Minor Baseball the Marlins won the Miinor league Championship over the Reds 5-2.

Congratulations to all the League Champions and their sponsors

2022 North Oldham Little League Champions & Team Sponsors
Major League Softball  Hornets  -LaGrange Dairy Queen
Minor League Softball  Scorpions - T.G.I.F. Boat & RV Storage
Rookie League Softball - Magic  - LaGrange Baptist CHurch
Rookie League Baseball - Cardinals   Field Proven Call
Minor League Baseball -  Marlins    - Your land & Title
Major League Baseball  - Giants   Texas Roadhouse


Fall Ball Applications are available on our website

Fall Ball Applications are available on our website

Hope everyone had a great  2022  spring season.  THANK YOU to the many volunteers for their time that help make our league have a successful season.   Thank you to all our league  supporters from team sponsors and  businesses that purchased signs.   

COngratulations to all the All-stars  hope you have a successful tournament..

Looking forward to the All-Star Season and our league hosting  the State softball Tournament July 9th -13th and the Baseball, State tournament July 16th - 20th

Fall Ball Applications are available on  our website.  don't miss out


6/18/22 Championship Day had great weather and big crowds at Walsh Park on Saturday as four league championships  was decided, ithree in softball and one in baseball.   T-Ball and Coach Pitch  finished  their sesaon and pick-up some hardware.   In Major SOftball, the Hornets came back on the Rampage  to win 6-4.   The Scorpions  rally late to knock off the Cyclones 13-11.  In Rookie baseball, the  Cardinals, held off the Yankees to win  9-8.  In Rookie Softball, the Magic took care of the Wolverines 14-9.

Congratulations to all the teams for giving us great ch  6:00pm at Walsh Park ampionship games.   Four diown, two to go as Major and Minor Baseball goes Monday.

Major Baseball  Giants and Whitesoxs

Minor Baseball  Marlins & Reds.

2022 North Oldham Little League Champions & Team Sponsors
Major League Softball  Hornets  -LaGrange Dairy Queen
Minor League Softball  Scorpions - T.G.I.F. Boat & RV Storage
Rookie League Softball - Magic  - LaGrange Baptist CHurch
Rookie League Baseball - Cardinals   Field Proven Call

Fall Ball Applications are available on our website


6/17/22  Depsite late morning  thunder storms the fields were ready to go at Walsh park on Friday as we had  a great  crowd and exciting games.  In  major baseball semi-finals  the Giants  defeated the Astros  7 -2 and in the night cap,  The Whitesoxs beat the Braves  7-5  to pickup  Big Red game drink, In Minor Baseball the  Reds took down the Twins 12-6 and  the Marlins  defeated the Rockies 9-6.  In Rookie Baseball, the Cardinals punchedn their ticket to the championship as they defeated the D-Backs 14-6.  In Rookei Softball, the  Wolverines  knocked off the Outlaws 8-5  to advanced to the Championship.  In T-Ball and Coach Pitch started picking up their hardware.

Todays Championships

Softball  Major Rampage and Hornets 10:00am

Minor; Cyclones & Scorpions  12:00pm

Rookie   Wolverines and Magic  10:00am

Rookie baseball   yankees & Cardinals  10:00am

Fall ball Applications are available on our website.


6/16/22   On thursday night at Walsh Park  there was plenty of exciting games  to watch as girl's softball  started theirleague tournament and Rookie Baseball had their first semi-final games.  In Minor Softball, the Cyclones, Rori Davis scored the winning run to beat the Warriors 11-10 and send them to the title game against the Scorpions. and in the nightcap the Scorpions took care of the Dynamites 16-5.  In Rookie Baseball, the top seed came back on the Orioles winning 14-11 and advancing to the championship.   In Rookie Softball, the Magic held off the Falcons  12-11  as they punched their ticket to championship game.   We started handing out some hardware to the Coach Pitch. division


6/15/22  Depsite some hot weather Walsh Park was busy Wednesday night for some ball games.  Minor Baseball regulasr season as teams settled playoff positions with the Marline defeating the Bluejays 8-6. and Reds  defeated the Mets  11-6.  In Rookie Baseball, the rest of the Semi-finals  were set as the Yankees defeated the rangers 20-8 and the Oriole took care of the Pirates 10-3. 


 All-Star Appparel order Forms are now available on website.

6/14/22   Another hot night at Walsh Park  on Tuesday night as Major Baseball and Minor Softball finished their regular season.   In Major Baseball,  the league leader giants took care of the Redsoxs 17-11.  In Minor Softball, the Scorpions defeated the Dynamites 14-9 and the Cyclones topped the Warriors 10-8.  In Rookie Baseball, the D-Backs picked up their second win of the league tournament defeating the A's 12-9 and the  Cardinals  had the same score 12-9 on the Cubs.

6/13/22   It was a hot humid night at Walsh Park  on Monday night as Major and Minor baseball enter their finals games and rookie basebalead leader Giants took ll started their league tournament.  In Major Baseball,  the Astros shutout the Whitesoxs and the Brewers defeated the Dodgers 15-11.  In Minor baseball, the Marlins took care of the Mets  17-6 and the Rockies came back on the Nationals  to win  15-11.  In the Rookie Baseball tournamet, the Orioles topped the Royals 7-4, the cubs  knocked off the Phillies 10-7,   the D-Backs took care of the Mariners 11-4  and the Rangers picked up a win against the Tigers.

6/12/22 It  Is starting to feel like summer with warm weather on Sunday for several make-up games.  In Major Baseball,  The Astros javy Tucker hit his second homerun of the season a grand slam in the fifth inning.

6/11/22  It Was a hot day at the ball park with plenty of good games  on Saturday.  In Major baseball,  the Giants Skylar Samuels hit aa two run hoerun out  in 8-6 win over the Astros,  the Whitesoxs edged the Redsox 9-8 and the Braves finished the day with a 14-1 win over the Dodgers.  In Major Softball, the  Hornets scored four times in their last at bat to top the Rampage 15-14.  In Minor baseball, the Padres picked up a win against  the Twins and Marlins took care of the Bluejays 19-3.  In Minor Softball, the Warriors defeated the Scorpions 12-9.  In Rookie Baseball,  the A's, cardinals, Rangers, and the  Mariners took home wins.  In Rookie Softball, the Wolverines defeated the Falcons 23-6.

6/10/22   Despite some afternoon rain the fields at Walsh Park were ready to go for some ball games Friday night.   In Major Baseball, the Braves and the Whitesoxs each handed the Brewers a loss.  In Minor baseball, the Rockies defeated the Mets 13-2 and the Reds downed the Angels 8-4.  In Minor Softball, the Cyclones took care of the Dynamites 15-6. In Rookie baseball, the Oriloes knocked off the Yankees 13-9 and  the Pirates  defeated the Phillies  11-8.   In Rookie SOftball, the Magic  put away the Outlaws by a score of  13-9

6/9/22   We had  great weather as the scoreboards stayed busy for Thursday night games. In Major baseball,  the Whitesoxs   , defeated the Dodgers 12-2.  In Minor baseball, the Nationals came out on top 12-10 over the Padres.  In Minor Softball, the Dynamites downed the Warriors 15-11 and the Scorpions beat the Cyclones  7-3.   The Orioles took care of the CUbs winning 11-3.  In Rookie Softball, the Magic edged the Falcons 5-2.  All-Stars will be posted Saturday night

6/8/22 Despite weather forecast the thunderstorms stayed away and we had some exciting  games  Wednesday night at Walsh Park.  In Major Baseball, the Giants contiunue their winning streak as they blanked the Braves 16-0. In the night cap the Astros jacob Roberts scored  the only run in the game against the Redsoxs.  in Minor Baseball, the Reds picked up a win over the Bluejays and the Twins stopped the Nationals 16-6. In Minor Softball, the Warriors edged the Dynamites 9-8 and the Cyclonestopped the Scorpions 8-4.  In Rookie Baseball, the Phillies Luke Riordan had the game winning hit to beat the Rangers 18-17 and the A's knocked off the Tigers 12-3.

6/7/22   At Walsh Park on Tuesday we had great weather and  some exciting ball games.   In Major baseball,  the Redsoxs defeated the Brewers 5-1.  In Major Softball, the rampage beat the Hornets 18-8.  In Minor Baseball,  the Rockies edged the Marlins 5-4 and in the night cap, the Bluejays won their first game as they defeated the Angels 10-9 in extra innings.  In Rookie Baseball, The Yankees Luca via had another game winning hit toedge the Pirates 3-2, , The Cardinals topped the D-Backs 6-5 in eight innings, and in the night cap the Royals shutout the Mariners 8-0 for their second win.

6/5/22   it was a hot sunny day for make-up games at Walsh Park on SUnday,  In Major Baseball,  the Giants defeated the Whitesoxs 9-1 and the Braves stopped the Astros 10-3.  In Minor Baseball, the Angels had 12-6 win over the Bluejay and Marlins held off the Red 6-4.   In Rookie baseball, the A's played great defense in beating the Phillies 7-5.

6/4/22   Saturday was a great day  to spend at Walsh Park with great weather and plenty of exciting ball games.  In major baseball, the Astros came back on the Dodgers 4-3.  The Giants defeated the Braves 18-5.  In Major Softball, the Hornets lost to South Oldham 13-7.  In Minor Baseball, the Rockies knocked off the Bluejays 16-8 and Mets came back on the Nationals to 8-6.  In Minor Softball, the Scorpions beat the Warriors 20-7.  In Rookie Baseball, the Orioles topped the Royals 9-3,  the Yankees edged the Cardinals 12-11, Mariners  won over the Cubs 5-1 and the Tigers took down the Rangers 18-12.  In Rookie Softball, the Wolverines  defeated the Magic 14-9.

6/3/22   With great weather and a full slate of ball games at Walsh Park was busy on Friday night.  In Major Baseball, the Whitesoxs defeated the Redsoxs 12-6 and the Braves bet the Brewers 17-9.  In Minor Baseball, the Twins held off the Mrlins 7-6 and the Angels dropped the Padres 18-4.   In Minor Softball, the Cyclones edged the Dynamites 11-10.   In Rookie Baseball had a pair of 10-6 scores as the the Pirates downed the D-Backs and the Yankees topped the Royals.  In Rookie Softball, the Wolverines defeated the Falcons 12-9

6/2/22 After overnight rain the fields at Walsh Park were ready to go  for some exciting  Thursday night games.   In Minor Baseball, the Nationals  five run first inning was enough to beat the Bluejays 5-3. In Minor Softball, the Cyclones continued their winning streak with a 19-9 win over the Warriors.  In Rookie Baseball,  the Rangers stopped the D-Backs 17-8, the Cardinals stopped the Orioles 9-5 and the Tigers ended the night with a 11-6 win over the Royals. In Rookie Softball, the Magic edged the Outlaws 4-3.  Visit Highlights at our wbesite for game highlights of each game.

6/1/22  At Walsh Park  Wednesday night  we had great weather until lightning came late in the second games  but we were able to get all games done except one.  In Major Baseball, the Whitesoxs took care of the Dodgers 11-1.   In Minor Baseball, the  Marlins edged the Angels 11-10 and the Rockies scored late to beat thtigers e Padres  6-4.  In Minor Softball, the Cyclones topped the Scorpions 21-20.   In Rookie Baseball, the Phillies defeated the D-Backs 11-4,  the Tigers stopped the Cubs 10-4 and Pirates beat the Orioles 9-4.

5/31/22   After six days off because of rainouts and the holiday weekend, WalshPark was busy again on Tuesday night.  In Major Baseball, the Astros came back on the Giants scoring three times in the sixth inning to beat the Giants 5-3 and in the nightcap the Brewers  defeated the Redsoxs 7-3.  In Minor Baseball, the Twins defeated the Reds 9-2 and the Nationals defeated the Mets 9-7.  In Minor Softball, the Cyclones shutout the Warriors 20-0 and the Dynamites dfeated the Scorpions 17-9.  In rookie Baseball, the A's knocked off the Pirates 8-2 and the Mariners edged the Rangers 11-9. Visit Highlights at our wbesite for game highlights of each game.

5/24/22  The scoreboards stayed busy Tuesday night  at Walsh Park  with some exciting games decided on their last at bats.  In Major  Baseball, the Astros put game away with a nine run fifth inning to beat the Brewers 14-4.  In Major Softball, the Hornets defeated the Rampage 12-9.   In Minor Baseball, the Mets edged the Marlins  13-11.  In Rookie Baseball, the Yankees took care of the Cubs 20-3 and the phillies need an extra inning to beat the Mariners 7-6. Visit Highlights at our wbesite for game highlights of each game.

5/23/22 At Walsh Park on  Monday we   had cooler weather with some close ballgames.In Major baseball, The Redsoxs took down the Braves 6-2 and in the noghtcap the Giants shutout the DOdgers 17-0.  In Minor baseball, the Padres handed the Twins their first loss by a score of 12-7.  In Minor Softball, the Scorpions came out on top over the Dynamites 13-10.  In Rookie Baseball, t Cardinals edged the A's 6-5. In Rookie SOftball, the Falcons topped the Outlaws 15-13. Visit Highlights at our wbesite for game highlights of each game.

5/22/22  Despite some early  Sunday morning  rain, the fields at Walsh Park  were ready to go with great weather for some exciting games.  In Major Baseball, the Dodgers took care of the Redsoxs 12-7 and the Whitesoxs took care of the Brewers 9-5.  In Minor baseball, the Twins remained undefeated as they beat the Rockies 15-5.  In Rookie  Baseball,   The Yankees Ben Stephens had the game winning hit beating the Rangers 11-10.The Phillies topped the Orioles 9-7 in  their first game and lost to the Tigers 11-9. In their second game the Tigers lost to the Cadinals 16-10.   In Rookie Softball, the Magic  held off the Falcons for 10-9 win.  Visit Highlights at our wbesite for gamehighlights of each game.

5/21/22  It was a  hot Saturday at Walsh Park  for some exciting games. In Major baseball, the Braves Sam McCall had a three run triple in the fifth inning to beat the Whitesoxs 6-4. In Major Softball the Rampage fell to South Oldham 10-3.  In Minor Baseball, the Nationals defeated the Angels  12 -4  and the Padres  took down the Mets 15-9. In Minor Softball, the Cyclones defeated the Dynamites  11-7.  In Rookie Baseball, the Cardinals defeated the Phillies 14-5, the A's edged the Cubs 6-5, The Rangers defeated the Royals 8-5 and the Orioles knocked off the D-backs 10-4.   In ROokie Softball, the  Outlaws topped the Magic 10-9.  Visit highlights at our website  for game highlights of each game.         

5/20/22   After two nights off because of bad weather Walsh Park was busy again  Friday night  with a full slate of games. In Major Baseball, the Giants ended the night with a 12-9 win over the Brewers.  In Minor baseball, the Twins stopped the Bluejays 8-4, the mets downed the Angels  15-1 and in the night cap the Reds prevailed 6-2 over the Rockies.  In Minor SOftball, the Warriors topped the Scorpions 10-8.  In Rookie Baseball, the Yankees took care of the Mariners winning 14-3 and under the lights the Pirates  rolled past the Tigers 19-9. In Rookie SOftball the Wolverines knocked off the Falcons 20-11.   Visit highlights at our website  for game highlights of each game.         

5/17/22   Another great night of weather for ballgames at Walsh Park on  Tuesday night.  In Major baseball,  the Giants defeated the DOdgers 11-2.   In Major Softball, the Hornets  stopped the Rampage winning 18-9.  In Minor Baseball, the Padres  Myles Starhi scored the winning run in the eighth inning for 16-15 win over the Reds.  In Rookie Baseball,  The D-Backs stopped the Mariners 10-5 and the A's topped the Royals 6-4.    Visit highlights at our website  for game highlights of each game.          

5/16/22   As we reached the mid-season point  week six continued with great weather  Monday night at Walsh Park.  In Major Baseball, the Astros took care of the Redsoxs 9-5.  In Minor Baseball, the Marlins defeated the Nationals 11-7.   In Minor Softball, the Dynamites defeated the Warriors 10-6.  In Rookie Baseball, the Pirates bats stayed bisy in a 17-4 win over the Cubs.  In Rookie Softball, the Outlaws picked up a 17-8 win over the Wolverines. Visit highlights at our website  for game highlights of each game.

5/16/225/15/22    We had great weather to get caught up on rainouts from Oaks day at Walsh Park on SUnday.  In Major Softball, the Rampage pitchers  Helene Hinkle and Gracie Kelly combined to shutout the Hornets 17-0   In Minor Baseball, the  Rockies came back on the Mets to win  11-9 and the Reds stopped the Angels 11-9. In Minor Softball the Dynamites defeated the Warriors and the Scorpions beat the Cyclones  11-8.  In Rookie Baseball, The D-Backs stopped the Cubs 20-10 and the Pirates downed the 1 Mariners 16-2.   In Rookie Softball, the Falcons edged the Magic 11-10    Visit highlights at our website  for game highlights of each game.

5/14/22  It was a great day at  Walsh Park for ball games.  In Major Baseball, the Astros dropped the Brewers 7-1 and Whitesoxs picked up a win over the Giants.  In Major Softball, the Rampage edged South Oldham 9-8.   In Minor Baseball, the Padres defeated the Bluejays 11-7 and the Twins blanked the Mets 15-0.  In Minor Softball, the Cyclones defeated the Warriors 7-4.   In Rookie Baseball the Orioles Easton Craig had the game winning hit to beat the Mariners 12-11.  The Cardinals had a 10-8 win over the Pirates and the A's finshed the day witha 18-11 win over the Rangers.  In Rookie Softball, the Wolverins took care of the Magic winning 18-10.  Visit highlights at our website  for game highlights of each game.

North Oldham Little League  had a great turnout  of families at the Louisville Bats  game last night.

5/13/22   With great weather Walsh Park was busy  Friday nigh for some exciting  with two top teams  losing.   in Major Baseball, the Dodgers edged the league leader Braves 12-11.  In Minor baseball, the Reds rally past the Nationals 10-7 and  in the nightcap the Angels stopped the Rockies 8-3.   In  Minor Softball, the scorpions defeated the dynamites 16-10.   In Rookie Baseball,  the  Cubs topped th Royals 7-5 and the D-Backs handed he Yankees their first loss  by a score of 12-11.  In Rookie Softball, the Falcons edged the Outlaws 15-14.  Visit highlights at our website for game highluights of each game.


5/12/22   it was a long hot day at  the ballpark on Thursday with several extra inning games. In Major Baseball, the Giants Leo Quinones had a triple to knock in the winning runs  in a giants 5-3 win over the Redsoxs.  In Major Softball, the Hornets fell to South Oldham 20-2.  In Minor Baseball, the Marlins put up five runs on the board  in the top of the sixth inning to beat the Padres 8-4.  In Rookie baseball, the A's defeated the D-backs 14-3.  In Rookie Softball, the Wolverines edge the Falcons 15-14 as Kinsley Rouse had the game winning hit in the seventh inning.  Visit highlights at our website for game highlights of each game.

5/11/22   It was a hot night at Walsh Park on Wednesday as several games were decided on their last at bats.   In Major Baseball,  the Whitesoxs topped the Astros 7-5 in nine innings despite Javy Tucker game tying two run homer over the fence   the eighth inning.  In Minor Baseball, the fBluejays 13-10.  In Minor Softball, the Warriors edge the Scorpions 12-11.  In Rookie Baseball,  The Cubs took care of the Rangers 12-1 and the Cardinals topped the Royals 13-11,  Visit highlights at our website for game highlights of each game.   North Oldham Little League  tumblers are on sell at the concession stand for $30.

5/10/22  With summer weather moving in Walsh Park had plenty of exciting games  Tuesday night.  In Major Baseball, the Brewers Connor Johnson scored the go ahead run on  a wild pitch in the seventh inning to top the Dodgers 8-7.  In Major  Softball, the Hornets continued their winning streak  with a 18-10 win over the Rampage.  In Minor Baseball, the Undefeated  Twins knocked off the Angels 8-2.   In Rookie Baseball the Yankees  ran their record to 8-0 with a 8-5 score over the Oriole.   The Tigers Joel Denny had the game winning hit  as they edged the Mariners 10-9.  Visit highlights at our website  for game highlights of each game.

5/9/22  After three days off because of rainout, derby and Mothers Day, Walsh Park was busy again on Monday night with great weather for ballgames.  In Major Baseball,  the Braves pitching had 17 strikeouts against the Redsoxs in  a 11-4 win.  In Minor baseball, the Rockies took care of the Nationals winning 12-7.   In Minor SOftball, the Cyclones, Leah Oberholtzer scored the game winning run on a wild pitch in the bottom of the sixth inning to edge the Dynamites 11-10.  In Rookie baseball, the Pirates defeated the Phillies 9-2.  In Rookie Softball, the Outlaws defeated the Magic 13-10.  Visit highlights at our website for game highlights if the scorebook was done right. 

5/5/22   The rain stayed away from Walsh Park  Thursday night  until the games were completed.  In Major Baseball,  the Braves topped the Astros 7-4.   In Major Softball,  the Hornets defeated Trimble County 10-9 for their fiorst win.  In Minor Baseball, the Padres Levi Withrow  four hits lead to a 16-11 win over the Nationals.  In Rookie Baseball, the The A's edged the Orioles 6-5 and the Rangers took down the Cardinals 12-6, Visit  hightlights at our website for game highlights of each game.

5/4/22  After Tuesdays rain out, Walsh Park was busy  on Wednesday with a full slate of scheduled gamesand several make-up games.  In Minor Softball, the Warriors  went eight innings to beat the Dynamites 21-19 for their first win.  In Major Baseball, the Giants held off a late rally by the Brewers  to win 11-9.  In the night cap the Redsoxs edged the Dodgers 6-5.   In Minor Baseball, the Reds took care of the Bluejays winning 13-1.  In the second game the Rockies knocked off the Marlins 11-9.  In Rookie baseball, the  Yanklees blanked the Tigers 11-0.  In Rookie Softball, the Wolverines defeated the Outlaws 8-6.  Visit  hightlights at our website for game highlights of each game. 

5/2/22   As May begins a new month, the league enter the fourth week of the season with  great weather for Monday night games at Walsh Park.    In Major Baseball, the Braves Weston Rice four hits helped the Braves rally back to beat the Whitesoxs10-7.   in Minor Baseball, the Twins took down the Nationals 15-8 and Padres had the same score over the Bluejays on Field #3.  In Rookie Baseball, the Phillies defeated the  Royals  14-8.  In Rookie Softball the Magic defeated the Falcons 17 -9.   Visit  hightlights at our website for game highlights of each game.

4/30/22  The rain stayed away on Saturday at Walsh Park  as the weather was great for ball games and pictures.   In Major Baseball, The Brewers Liam Riordan had  game winning triple  to beat the Braves 4-3.  In the second game the Whitesoxs stopped the Redsoxs to win 9-4.  In Major Softball, the Rampage defeated the Hornets 12-6.

In Minor baseball the Rockie s stopped the Bluejays 13-10 and the Twins needed a three run rally  in the sixth inning to edge the Narlins 7-6.  In Minor Softball, the Scorpions  beat the Dynamites 20-4.  In Rookie baseball,  the Cardinals defeated the D-Backs 14-11, the Phillies defeated the Rangers 13-7, the Orioles took care of the Cubs 17-2 and Mariners finished off the day for their first win as they won against the Royals 18-6.  Visit  hightlights at our website for game highlights of each game.

Thanks to all that helped  With Clean-Up Day.

For  Pictures proofs  visit the link below

4/29/22  With a full slate of games on Friday night and some good weather  Walsh Park was busy to start off the weekend.  In Major Baseball, the Astros stopped the Dodgers 16-6. In Minor Baseball, The Reds was back in the win column with 14-3 win over the Mets. In the night cap the Padres took home their first win by  a score of 10-5  over the Angels.   In Minor  Softball, the Cyclones topped the Warriors 16-13.   In Rookie Baseball, the A's got past the Tigers 13-6 and on the Big field under the lights the Yankees needed  a 4 run rally in the sixth inning  to beat the Pirates 11-8.  In Rookie SOftball, the Wolverines defeated the Magic 11-10.  

 Visit  hightlights at our website for game highlights of each game.

Thanks to Yankees for cleaning-up  last night

The Mariners/Red Wings  has Clean-up today after their game today

Picture Day is Saturday April 30 at Walsh Park  Pavilion   handout for Picture times for each team are on our website.


4/28/22   With great weather  Walsh Park was busy  with some exciting games.  In Major Baseball, the top two teams met and the Braves came iout on top 14-7 over the Giants.   In Minor Baseball, the  Nationals pitchers, Cooper Brown, Seth Richards and Lucas Sauciercombined for 15 strikeouts to beat the Bluejays 13-5.  In Rookie Baseball, the Yankees continued their winning streak with a 13-4  win over the Royals.  In Rookie Softball the Wolverines  Lucy scored the go ahead run in the sixth inning to edge the Falcons 13-12,   Visit  hightlights at our website for game highlights of each game.

Thanks to Braves for cleaning-up  last night

The Yankees  has Clean-up Night after their game tonight

Picture Day is Saturday April 30 at Walsh Park  Pavilion   handout for Picture times for each team are on our website.


4/27/22   At Walsh Park on Wednesday with great weather the scoreboards stayed busy. In Major Baseball, the Brewers  defeated the Redsoxs 18-3 to get their first win. In Minor baseball, the Marlins defeated  the Angels 16-7.   In Minor Softball, the Scorpions took care of the Warriors 16-10.  In Rookie  Baseball,  the  Pirate topped the A's 11-5 and the D-Backs knocked off the  Phillies 12-2. 

The Braves  has Clean-up Night after their game tonight

Picture Day is Saturday April 30 at Walsh Park  Pavilion   handout for Picture times for each team are on our website.


4/26/22    The weathe can't make up its mind, we had a cool night at Walsh Park on Tuesday night.   In Major Baseball, the scoreboard stayed busy as the Dodgers stopped the Whitesoxs 19-14.  In Major Softball,  the Rampage rolled past the Hornets 20-6.  In Minor Baseball, the Rockies defeated the Padres 15-11.  In Rookie baseball,  the Orioles took care of the Cardinals 14-8  and the Tigers topped the Cubs 5-3. Visit highlights at our website for game highlights of each game

Scorpions has Clean-up Night afdter their game tonight

Picture Day is Saturday April 30 at Walsh Park  Pavilion   handout for Picture times for each team are on our website.


4/25/22   The thunderstorms stayed away from Walsh Park on Monday as we started the the third week of week  of the season.   In Major Baseball, the Giants  ran s their record to 5-0  with a 5-1 score over the Astros.  In Minor Baseball, the  Twins stayed perfect  as Gavin Fox scored the game winning run in the bottom of the sixth inning to top the Reds 6-5.  In Minor Softball, the Cyclones scoered in every inning to beat the Dynamites 16-11.   In Rookie Baseball, the Rangers scored five times in the sixth inning as they beat the Mariners 10-5.   In Rookie Softball, The Magic ran their record to 5-0 with a 16-11 score over the Outlaws.    Visit highlights at our website for game highlights of each game

4/24/22   With a full slate of makeup games and great weather  Walsh Park was a great place to spend your Sunday afternoon.  In Major baseball, the Braves took care of the Dodgers 18-7.  In Minor Softball, the Scorpions Frances Lay had the game winning hit to beat the Cyclones 9-8.  In Rookie Baseball, the A's, Yankees, Phillies and the D-backs  cam away with wins.   Visit highlights at our website for game highlights of each game.

4/23/22   With great weather for ball games Walsh Park was busy on Saturday and we had some exciting games.   In Major Baseball, the Giants stopped the Dodgers 13-7 and the Braves beat the Astros the 7-2.  In Major Softball, the rampage  lost to South Oldham 20-7.  

In Minor Baseball,   the Reds held off the Rockies 5-3,  the Mets  defeated the Padres 12-7  and the Angels finished off the afternoon with a 14-5.  In Minor Softball, the Cyclone edged the Scorpions to win 7-6. 

In Rookie Baseball,The Phillies Liam Teague had a homerun and a single in their 18-1 win over the Cubs.  The Yankees defeated the A's 9-6.  the orioles beat the Tiger 10-6.  The Pirates took care of the Royals winning  17-4.  In Rookie Softball, the  Magic defeated the Falcons 15-12.   Visit highlights at our website for game hihglights of each game.

Big Thanks to all players and Parents from Minor Baseball that helped with clean-up day.

4/22/22  It was busy Friday night at Walsh Park with great weather for ball games.  In Major Baseball, the Whitesoxs came back on the Brewers to win 14-8.   In Minor Baseball, the Twins defeated the Bluejays  12-4. In Rookie baseball, the Cardinals edged the Mariners 11-10 and the Rangers took care of the Orioles winning 14-6.  In Rookie Softball, the Wolverins stopped the Outlaws 15-10.   Visit highlights at our website for game highlights of  each game.

4/21/22   The fields were ready to go except for the chalk after early morning rain and we were able to get all the games done on Thursday night games.  In Major Baseball,  The Astros beat the Redsoxs 14-3.  In Major Softball, the Rampage Hallee Doelker scored the game winning run to edge the Hornets 16-15. In Minor baseball, the Mets downed the Angels 10-6 and in the night cap the Marlins topped the Red 6-4 with a five run fifth inning.  In Rookie baseball, the Cardinals blanked trhe Cubs 9-0. In Rookie SOftball, the Magic remained undefeated with a 11-8 score over the Wolverines.     Visit highlights at our website for game highlights of  each game.

4/20/22   Another cloudy night at the ball park  for some quick ball games.  In Major Baseball, the  Giants beat the  Brewers 10-4.  In Minor Baseball,  the Twins pitchers shutout the Rockies 9-0.  In Minor Softball, the Cyclones took care of the Warriors by a score of 11-7.  In Rookie Baseball,  the Yankees took care of the Phillies winning 11-2 and the D-Backs knocked off the Royal  12- 4.  Visit game highlights at our website for game highlights.

4/19/22  It was another cool breezy night and the sun was out  at Walsh park on Tuesday for some great ball games.   In Major Baseball, the Braves scored two runs late to top the Whitesoxs 3-2.  In Major Softball,  the Rampage received strong pitching  from Helene Hinkle and Gracie Kelly combined for 12 strikeouts in beating the Hornets 19-9.  In Minor Baseball,  the  Reds knocked off Padres for 11-7 win.   In Rookie Baseball, the D-Backs  knocked off the Tigers 13-10, Tigers Wyatt Husband hit his second homerun of the season.  Over at Field #5 the A's took care of the Mariners 6-1.   Visit  game highlights at our website  for highlights of each game.


4/18/22   After heavy morning rain,  the fields were ready to go  for a cold  windy night at Walsh Park on Monday.   In Major Baseball, the Redsoxs picked up their win with a 10-4 win over the Dodgers, and the Astros did the same to the Brewers in the night caop.  In Minor Baseball, the Marlins rolled past the Nationals winning 18-7.    In Minor Softball, the scorpions had two big innings to beat the Dynamites 11-7.  In Rookie Baseball, the Pirates kept their winning streak with a 8-4 win over the Rangers.  In Rookie Softball, the Falcons  won their first game 12-9 over the Outlaws.   Visit game highlights at our website for highlights of each game.

4/16/22    North Oldham Little League started the  Saturday day with breakfast at the LaGrange Fire Department, then a parade to Walsh Park  and Opening Ceremonies for the 2022 Season as we celebrate  our 50th Anniversary.   Scott Wisecarver sang the National Anthem  Louisville Bats -Slugger Field Heads Groundskeepers   Tod Shafer  threw out the first pitch  to Vallon Moore. After the ceremonies and the field was cleared  we had a great weather  for  some exciting games on Satuurday.

In Major Baseball,  The Dodgers pitching Eli DePugh and Carter Hounshell  shut down  the Brewers 9-1.  The Whitesoxs keaton Neuner and Crutcher Townsend  combined to shutout the Astros 4-0.  The Braves rally past the Redsoxs  for 10 - 7.   In Major Softball, the Rampage beat the Hornets 17-2. 

In Minor Baseball,  The Marilin knocked off the Padres 7-5.  The Mets rolled past the Bluejays 14-4.   The Twins beat the Angels 16-3.  In Minor Softball, The  Dynamites defeated the Cyclones 13 - 7 and the Scorpions took care of the Warriors winning 17-5.    

In Rookie  Baseball,   Wyatt Burkhardt  of the Pirates had the game winning hit to beat the Tigers 8-7. The Yankees stopped the Mariners 8-5.  The Orioles Mason Vittitow knocked in the winning run win over the D-Backs11-10,  The Royals defeated the Rangers 15-5.  In Rookie Softball, the Magic edged the Outlaws  7-6 and the Wolverines beat the Falcons 14-7.   Go to our website for game highlights of each game. Ithere is no game hioghlights  its because there wasn't first and last names in the scorebook.

Hope everyone had a great Saturday and enjoyed the breakfast and parade.  We will be getting more  50th anniversary  t-Shirts oordered if didn't purchase one.

4/15/22   With a short schedule of games on Friday night before Saturdays Opening Day parade and Breakfast the field s were ready to  go.  In Minor Baseball,  The Reds topped the Nationals 12-7.  In Rookie Baseball,  the Cardinals  Cam Hudnall had the game winning hit  in 11-10 win over the Phillies and the Cubs Luke had game winning hit as the Cubs topped the Orioles 8-6.   Visit our .website for game highlights of each game.   

Opening Day Parade & Breakfast at LaGrange Fire Department

Breakfdast  starts at 7:00am   Lining Up for Parade 8:15am  Parade leaves at 8:45am  for Walsh Park.   Opening Ceremonies on Field #3

4/14/22   After 2 days of rainouts , the fields were ready to go at  Walsh Park  for the second day of the 2022 season.   In Major Baseball, the Giants ran their record  to 2-0 record with 9-4 win over the Whitesoxs.  In Minor Minor Baseball, the Rockies Walker Bradley had the game winning hit to beat the Angels 10-9.  In Rookie Baseball, the Orioles topped the Pirates 9-8.   In Rookie Softball,  the Magic held off a late rally by the Falcons to win 15-14.  

4/11/22    Despite all the rain on Monday the 2022  season got underway and all games were completed.   Supper time at the concession stand  was delayed  for some.   In Rookie Baseball,  the Tigers, Wyatt Husband   got the season started hitting a two run homer over the leftfield fence in the first hitting.  In Major Baseball, the Giants knocoked off the Redsoxs 8-4.  IN Minor Baseball, the  Twins  Casey Mais had an inside the park grand slam to seal the  game over the Mets 14-11.  In Minor Softball, the Dynamites edged the Warriors 8-6.  In Rookie Softball, the Wolverines stopped the Outlaws 12-5.    Visit our website at  for game highlights,   

Parents: For any game cancellations please join our text system at

Thank you to all the Tigers parents and players that helped with clean-up.   The Hooks have it tonight     Hopefully the fields will dry out for today.


North Oldham Little League
P.O. Box 713 
LaGrange, Kentucky 40014

Phone: 502-758-5183
Email: [email protected]

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